January 13, 2021
Letter to Leah Gazan from United Jewish People’s Order (Winnipeg)
Hon. Leah Gazan:
The United Jewish People’s Order (UJPO) Winnipeg supports your principled stand regarding the Israeli vaccination policy in the occupied Palestinian territory. Imagine if the Canadian government announced that it would not supply vaccines to the Indigenous peoples in Canada. The Canadian and world community would be justified to condemn such an action.
The Jewish community has a divergence of views on social, economic and political matters as do all ethnic, religious, national groups. UJPO Winnipeg rejects the stand of the Centre for Israel and Jewish affairs (CIJA) and B’nai Brith. It is shameful they defend the discriminatory policies of the Israeli state by accusing people such as yourself and Charlie Angus of anti-semitism and spreading inaccurate information.
In fact it is they who spread inaccurate information.
We are all aware that racism exists in Canada, it also exists in Israel. The pro-Israel lobby is attempting to convince governments to label criticism of the state of Israel as a form of anti-semitism and racism. UJPO rejects this deception. We see this as an attempt to stifle our freedom of speech in Canada. We believe people have the right to criticize those who violate the rights of others and violate International Law. We believe most Canadians want a society where people freely express views about current affairs. We do not need direction from the Israeli embassy or their agencies in Canada to lecture us on what racism is. They have only to look in the mirror.
Thank you again for standing up to injustice and the bullying by Israel and its lobby. Those who are driven by hatred cause problems for us all. We choose to work with people such as you and Mr. Angus to try and solve problems.
UJPO Winnipeg
Cc Charlie Angus MP
Cc Jagmeet Singh National NDP Leader